Friday, March 4, 2011

Bill's Adventure

As I rest in my very sunny library nursing a serious headcold I am truly "reminded of a time....".

Bill has embarked on an adventure. I guess we can call it an adventure.

I must preface. The current financial recession's effect on the construction industry in NJ has given Bill his first opportunity to collect unemployment and sign "the book" at the union hall. The possibility of being called to work within the foreseeable future is slim, so my husband has retired. As of March 1st, he is a man without a time clock to punch, crew to manage, pipe to fix.... you get the picture.

I can think of at least two dozen honey-dos to give him right now. But, "Patience", I hear the Lord say and patience I will employ. Silently, I wait.

Now on to the adventure and it's reminding me of........

Additional preface. Our Floridian grandaughters have spring break next week and at the same time our daughter (their mother) is required to pick up extra shifts due to a staffing shortage in the cath lab at the hospital. Hey, maybe Bill could become an RN and do catharizations? Pipes are pipes, right?

The girls will need to go with their dad to his office, in his parent's home. BORING! I mean for a day it may be ok. But when you have this perfectly free POP POP with nothing but time on his hands and nothing to do in NJ until the grass starts growing, problem solved.

So the plan, as originally laid, was for Bill to drive down to Florida alone. I set him up with CD's, GPS and he packed his Rand McNally atlas, a few snacks and...again, you get the picture. I am still working and unable to schedule time off on short notice, or at all. And that's ok, more on that later. I am not the retired one.

And then one morning this past week Bill met with "the boys" and the other guys in his crew that were let-go on with him on December 30th, coincidentally that's Bill's birthday. Bob, an electriction, now retired, same scenario as far as employement possibilities go, heard Bill say he's headed to Florida. One thing leads to another and yesterday Bill & Bob take off. Bill will drop Bob in Tampa for him to enjoy time with his sister, a son on spring break and the Phillies at spring training. Then Bill will head south to Sarasota to our kids.

Finally to the "REMINDS ME OF THE TIME" part

Several years ago, 2002 to be exact I made the reverse trip with a friend, Susan. But I think that's where the similarity ends. Susan & I, old pick up. Bill & Bob, 2009 Impala. Susan & Carole - AAA Triptix. Bill & Bob - Garman GPS. Susan & I took a week, Bob & Bill 24 hours. Susan & I stopped at Wycliff Bible Translators Headquarters, St Simon's Island, Cyrpress Gardens, a friend's house, my company's corporate office, shopping. Bob & Bill? - nuttin.

It's not new. Men, travel to reach a destination. Women travel, filling in as many destinations as possible.

Susan & I read a great novel to each other. Bill says they talked the whole way down, never even turned on the radio. I believe him. And I am sure they shared 30 years of JOB stories. Woohoot!

Bill is now down with Ashley, Emily & their parents. I continue to nurse my cold, in the sunny library reading my second book this weekend, making that honey-do list - mentally only - PATIENCE did you say Lord?

If you'd like to read about the trip I took with Susan find my blog of September 2008.

See you next week Honey??? Bill, Helllooooooooooo????