Monday, September 24, 2012

So behind in my blogging!!

So since last time I blogged (August 2011), what's new?

  • Book is selling ok. Not breaking any records, but getting out there.
  • I have a total of 8 grandchildren now.  I should move that to #1.
  • I retired!!! AKA I am not gainfully employed.
  • My mom went to Heaven in August.

OK, grands first.
Julie, in Florida, has 2 girls - 12 & 10 yrs old.
Monica, in Philly, has one of each, 7 & 4.
Andrew, in Florence (NJ not Italy) has twins - one of each, 9 mos.
Kelly, in AC, has 2 boys, 2 & 6 mos.

We are so blessed.

On the Way to Cape May
I have nearly sold all of my inventory.  Two events coming up.
Collingswood (NJ) Book Festival on October 6th. I have never been to this event and I understand it is enormous.  I wish I could be at my table & shop at the same time!!!! 

On October 10, Meet the Author event @ Voorhees Branch, Camden County Library

Retired? Uh what's that. I promised myself I would NOT get to the "I don't know how I got everything done when I was working full time." point. We take it easy. Yes, we visit some of the grands often, keep up with the housework, doctor's appt etc. But truly we have a lot of downtime. I read, read and then read somemore. Like mother like daughter. I do get motivated to quilt or make a craft occasionally. I'm hooked on Words with Friends on my iphone. And solitaire. It's really good veg time, when you need to escapte. WWF take me away!

And my writing, altho put off longer than I should I am going to try to stick to it, again. A little project I am working for my church, Jacobstown Baptist, has ignited my desire to write. I am the roving reporter.  Interviewing and writing a "Spotlight" on each family, or individual has received great reviews from the congregation. Feeling good about that.

I hope to Adopt a Shelf at my local library soon.  Just waiting for my app to be approved. I may visit the folks at The Estate (mom's last abode) on official visits. Maybe reading to them. We'll see.

Bill & I have a bit of travel planned this fall. And then the holidays will be here. And so it goes.......

And Mom?  If you didn't know my mom, Janet Moore, went home to be with Jesus & my daddy on August 8, 2012.  She was only sick a month, however, according to some tests we received after her death she would have been a very sick lady for a very long time. I thank and praise Jesus for directing us to not sustain her life by machinery. She had requested "no heroic" efforts and we abided by that request.

I find myself this month and a half later, still thinking I can call her for trivia answers, or to tell her something I read or heard that she would have interested her. But then the realization. 

Feeling good, being hopeful. I think I can keep this blog more current. I think I can, I think I can.