Sunday, November 8, 2009

Book Review

Once again I have found myself reading a couple of books that have inspired me to blog and let you know the wonder of God's working through foolish men.

same kind of different as me and the follow-up book What difference do it make? are a wonderful, inspiring set of books.

same kind of different as me is a story of a very unlikely friendship between two men of enormous diverse lives and backgrounds. Denver Moore, a sharecropper on the run to a new life and Ron Hall, a wealthy art dealer quite content with the status quo, would probably never have crossed paths had not God intervened through the life of a godly woman. Their interactions, although tentative at the onset, show the reader how God can and does work through common, everyday activities.

The power of God through these three individuals is evident by the changes in one community in Fort Worth, Texas. A heartbreaking turn of events solidifies the friendship between these two men.

The second book in the series, What difference do it make? continues the story revealing example after example of the results of this friendship.

Oh, that this reader would actually become the hands and feet of Jesus just as Mr. Moore and Mr. Hall and that one woman that loved them and God. That I could step out of my comfort zone and reach a people that God may place in my life and path. That I would look for the opportunities to touch lives.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Rex, by Cahtleen Lewis. Thomas Nelson Publishers

Now this is a book I absolutely love and highly recommend. REX is the story of love and hope and determination and so much more. And quite frankly, in my estimation, the hero of the story is not Rex, the boy, but his mom. Cathleen is amazing! Her energy and love for her son is something that any woman CAN posses but many don't.

As a reader, I found myself rooting for Rex as I have my own children through their struggles and accomplishments in life. Until recently those struggles for my children were small potatoes to Rex's. Recently my adult son became a quadraplegic from an IED explosion in Iraq. The tasks that my son has learned to accomplish show the determination that one must possess to overcome obstacles and live a full live. Fuller than full actually. Ms. Lewis, Rex's mom, needed to be his determination as his autism kept him from expressing his own for a long time.

This reminds me of the time when I was speaking with Andrew on the phone, he was in California and I in New Jersey, when he suddenly let out a "soft" expletive. I asked what happend and his reply was that he had dropped a handful of shaving cream on the floor. Shaving Cream? Why was my son bothering with shaving cream and a razor when he could have simply grabbed an electric razor and been done with the job. After all, he has no finger movement, necessary for blade shaving. Why? Because he wanted to!

Rex's mom helped him avoid the easy way out and try and accomplish the more difficult, to live a fuller life. Skiing? Blind and Austistic? Rough stumbling blocks but not impossible ones. I wonder if I would have half the energy and will that she continued to exhibit on her son's behalf.

Rex's sweet personality will captivate your heart and Cathleen will inspire you to hold on and let go of your children all at the same time.

This book is a real blessing. Think I'll read it again, very soon.
