Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Seeing the picture of the bench on our front porch...

Reminds me of the time...

Andrew was on his first deployment with the Marine Corps to Iraq (2004) when he called home in August to ask if we were doing anything October 23.

"Ummm, why?" I asked. Since his return was expected early September, I was thinking vacation or family reunion.

"Well, Sara and I have chosen October 23 to get married." was his response.

Looks like I will not be going to my high school's 35'th reunion planned for that evening. I was on the planning committee this time, but not really fond of reunions, so I was not terribly disappointed.

So we have a wedding on the calendar.

Circumstances became such that Sara was staying with us when Andrew returned from that deployment in September as scheduled. A week or so after his return he had purchased a ring and was planning on officially proposing and presenting the ring. Olive Garden was their favorite restaurant and the plan was to propose there. However, Andrew not needing a jacket and not wearing loose fitting pants had no pockets to hide the ring box. Plan B?

On the way out the door, Andrew tossed the ring to his sister Kelly and whispered, "Take this, set up the front porch with all the candles you can find in the house. Make it look romantic. Oh, and record a bunch of songs on a cd. Country music, including our song, ... Put your cd player and speakers on the porch."

These many years later I can't remember the name of their song but it had something about blueberries in it I think.

"I'll call you when we are on our way home, almost to the house. Light all the candles and turn on the music and skidaddle." were Andrew's final instructions.

So Kelly & her faithful accomplice (me) did exactly that. Kelly worked on the music and the cd. I scrounged up every nice candle we had. Can you believe I even had a heart shaped one? I think we counted at least 40 candles.

Phone call came as they were close by, we lit the candles and watched for the headlights coming up the street. Kelly pushed play on the cd player and we dashed in the house, making sure no lights were on in the front rooms, careful to give them additional privacy.

So did the accomplices go to their rooms? Downstairs out of earshot and sight? I should say not! We did duck under the dining room table, which is that front room. Andrew had told Sara to close her eyes before they got in front of the house and he led her from car to porch and then said, "Open your eyes." It was such a lovely romantic scene. We had even placed the ring box next to the heart shaped candle on the white loveseat (bench mentioned in previous posting).

And there we were, Kelly & I, in the dark, listening and peeking as the sweethearts commenced to promise unending love to each other. Sara squeeled and giggled. (We stiffled ours.) Andrew softly proposed. (Kelly and I shushed each other.) We couldn't hear it all, but we sure tried. We would pop our heads up from our hiding spot to take a peek. We noticed Sara wiping tears from her eyes. Not wanting her to ruin her makeup and get all red nosed, Kelly quietly opened the front door and tossed a box of tissues out at the adoring couple, then hurried back under the table, belly laughing at this point.

The jig was up.

To end the event Andrew asked for two cups of hot chocolate served on the porch. I tossed in a lovely throw as the night was getting a bit chilly. I even took a few pictures for them.

Kelly and I knew it was time to "skidaddle" at this point and left the couple to continue their night to remember.

I wonder if they remember the event in quite the same way?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

We went on a date last night!

Bill and I still date, occasionally. Yes we do!

Sometimes we go to WaWa for a cup of coffee soon after dinner trying to leave the Tastykakes alone and just sticking to coffee. Similar I guess to the Gilded Age, when folks would retire to the drawing room, enjoy coffee, tea, and mutual conversation for perhaps a half-hour. But we fill our paper cups, pop on the lids and return home in our Dodge Ram Pick-up. Often you will find us ending the date on the bench on the front porch, until the bugs start biting. Then we retire indoors to enjoy television, computer time and a good night's sleep, unless, we drank regular coffee.

Or we may go to The Home Depot or Lowe's for something. We are known for this date place. Recently friends of Andrew sent us a thank you note including a Home Depot gift card and they told us to "have a nice date". Wonder who tipped them off?

Reminds me of the time we went to Lowe's. Or was it the Depot? None the less, Bill needed a new tree pruner. I knew this was not going to be a short date when we found several brands and styles and prices from which to choose. Bill needed the long handled kind, with the telescoping pole to reach up into the trees. His unrepairable pruner was more than 20 years old.

As Bill examined, re-examined and read every word of the packaging on every pruner, I started roaming around the store as I often do on these excursions.

When we first had entered the store I noticed a lovely white bench assembled for display and purchase. I thought it would look quite nice on our front porch, replacing the antique church pew that really needed to be refinished and brought out of the weather. I pointed the bench out to Bill and he gave it a cursory glance and continued to the gardening tool section.

As I walked around the store I stopped by the bench, testing it for comfort and visualizing it on our front porch. Our home is painted Federal Blue with white shutters and this would be perfect. The porch is not too wide, not too long so this love-seat size bench would fit just right.

Bill continued to examine pruners. I spied power washers nearby. We don't have one and that blue siding on the house could use a bit of a clean up, especially if we are going to take home this bench.

As I continue to roam Bill is oblivious to what is about to happen to his wallet. I really admire his shopping style tho. Peering through the blister packaging, pulling the rope, clamping the jaws of the pruner, he will decide which one will work the best, last the longest and most importantly, be the easiest to repair. Bill can repair and assemble just about anything! Except his old pruner. Oh and the kids' Speak and Spell (circa 1980) but that's another story.

I spy a nice piece of outdoor carpet, about 6x10. That will go great in the screened-in porch on the pool side of the house.

Bill has finally made his choice and I have returned from my roaming. I point out the power washer and Bill suggests I go get a cart. By the way, this purchase decision only took a few minutes. He must have researched power washers on a previous trip. With that in the cart and the pruner propped with more than half its height over our heads, we continue to the carpet piece. Bill agrees, good price, good idea, in the cart!

On the way to the register I whisper in my sweetheart's ear, "Bill what do you think of that bench? I saw there are only two left boxed on a shelf."

A bit more urgently and touching his shoulder I say, "Oh, another couple is looking at our bench! Look, she's sitting on it! What do you think, Hon?"

Oh the passion!

"Go get a bigger cart!" Such a romantic that husband of mine.

Did you know a simple pruner can cost upwards of $500? I never said I was a cheap date!

Oh, I forgot to tell you about last night's date. Another time. Soon, I promise. It was a bit cheaper.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thelma & Louise? NOT!!!

So, I received one comment on my blogspot yesterday from a very dear friend, Susan.

Hearing from her reminded me of the time she and I took a road trip together. It was the return leg of her trip to Florida to attend her daughter Jennifer's college graduation and wedding.

Jennifer lives in W Palm, Fl which is on the East coast. Susan picked me up at my daughter's home in Sarasota, West Coast.

And then we drove to Orlando, Central Fl - then on to St Simon's Island Ga - more Eastward. Then we bounced to Atlanta, GA - then to Richmond VA and then home to NJ.

Don't remember the price of gas back in 2002 but it was do-able on our meager budget.

Did I mention that Susan's vehicle at the time was a 1985 Ford Pick Up? Well, yes, that was our mode of transportation. And we shared driving. Susan doesn't like to drive much and I am a bit of control freak so we balanced each other out.

  • Reading Lisa Samson's Women's Intuition. Started reading it aloud to each other while taking turns driving. Started just outside of Sarasota and finished it 5 miles from home.
  • St Simon's Island - Methodist Camp - Lighthouse. Beautiful!
  • Cypress Gardens. Did you know it had already closed (out of business) by 2002? Well we found that out as we passed through the gates. It was sad for Susan as she had seen the Gardens in its glory days years ago. I was just glad we did not get arrested for trespassing when the owner caught us driving around.
  • Wycliffe Bible Translators - tour of facility - very inspirational. It is wonderful to see how the Word of God is being translated in so very many languages.
  • Driving into Atlanta at 8PM which is still rush-hour there. Yes I was driving. Felt like we were a ball in the pinball machine on those interstates, winding around and into the city. Felt like someone else had control of the wheel. Well, He did and did quite a good job of getting us safely to a friend's home.
  • Driving Susan's truck into Peach Tree (Atlanta) to visit my company's corporate office. I got lost. When I got lost I went into a UPS store and asked if they could put me and my pickup into one of their brown trucks and they could deliver me to my destination. Cute young man at the counter said, "Mam, we don't do that here." Very cute.
  • I caught up with a cousin I hadn't seen in years. And Susan spent some quality time with her friend, our host Leslie.
  • Visiting with a friend's grandmother and aunt in Richmond. Such a sweet time with these dear ladies.
I am sure there is much I have forgotten, we did not journal. Maybe Susan did. Maybe she has pictures. However, without details secured in my memory, I remember it was great. And unlike the ladies in the title of this blog - I didn't see the movie and know nothing of them, except - we returned alive, well, and smiling.

Did I tell you about my overnight stay at the Atlanta airport on my way to Sarasota in the first place?

Another story, another time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I love to tell the story...

As the old hymn goes, "of Jesus and His glory!". And I do, I really do. And I believe that in telling my story, I am telling of His glory.

Being closer to 60 years old than 50 (how's that for not giving you my exact age?) I have lots of stories stored up inside me.

When chatting with friends and family I hope I don't sound as if I am doing the one-up-man-ship of story tellers, ie, you tell me about your day, I have one worse, better, more exciting, more boring, Your kids did this, mine did that. You get the idea.

It's just that your story reminds me of a story, a time, an event in my life that brings me joy to think about and talk about. Well not all bring me joy. Some stories bring embarrassment, some tears but hopefully all show my humanity and His divinity. I also hope you see my dependence on Jesus for the outcome of every event and recognition of that dependence.

Most times the spiritual aspect of the story is not overtly revealed. But always, He is at the core of every tear and smile.

I believe He has gifted me with the art of storytelling and I pray He'll allow me to bless you with it.

Hang in there (here) you may read about yourself on these blog pages. I'll change your name when it's time to "protect the innocent".

Blessings, Carole