Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I love to tell the story...

As the old hymn goes, "of Jesus and His glory!". And I do, I really do. And I believe that in telling my story, I am telling of His glory.

Being closer to 60 years old than 50 (how's that for not giving you my exact age?) I have lots of stories stored up inside me.

When chatting with friends and family I hope I don't sound as if I am doing the one-up-man-ship of story tellers, ie, you tell me about your day, I have one worse, better, more exciting, more boring, Your kids did this, mine did that. You get the idea.

It's just that your story reminds me of a story, a time, an event in my life that brings me joy to think about and talk about. Well not all bring me joy. Some stories bring embarrassment, some tears but hopefully all show my humanity and His divinity. I also hope you see my dependence on Jesus for the outcome of every event and recognition of that dependence.

Most times the spiritual aspect of the story is not overtly revealed. But always, He is at the core of every tear and smile.

I believe He has gifted me with the art of storytelling and I pray He'll allow me to bless you with it.

Hang in there (here) you may read about yourself on these blog pages. I'll change your name when it's time to "protect the innocent".

Blessings, Carole


Nana2Six said...

Oh fun welcome on board... I have been blogging since spring .. not very open about it but just the same I am thrilled that you are too! Still need to blog about the wedding ... but I am having fun with it!
And I know you will as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carole,
I picked up your blog address on the CWFI board. Nice start. We have a lot in common. I know what you mean about the stories in your head... Keep writing.