Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,.." Hebrews 12:1

Washington DC - October 26, 2008 - Marine Corps Marathon
As Andrew hand-cycled from the starting line 10K course, Bill and Sara and I took off on foot - as the crow flies - to the finish line. Much less than 10K for sure, but felt like more to me as I only walk on an as-need basis.

When we came to "the dreaded hill" near the finish line, Bill & I decided to stop mid-way and wait for Andrew.

As we cheered on other athletes, we kept a careful eye for Andrew on his cycle. Finally our son was at the bottom of the hill but not advancing upward. He'd cycle back a few strokes and then forward hoping to get the momentum needed to continue up this hill that all the runners dread.

Seeing my son struggle I ran to the bottom of the hill, all the while shouting. "Come on Andrew, you can do it. Come on Andy. Go, Go! Buddy push - harder! You can do it!"

The crowd of spectators began shouting with me.

"Go Andy, Go!"

A Marine in uniform came behind Andrew, put his hand on his shoulder and gave just enough support to get him started up that hill. And then a runner took over, with both hands on my son's shoulders he took Andrew to the top of the hill. There he asked Andrew if he needed more help, but Andrew wanted to, and did, cross the finish line on his own.

I have attached a picture of Andrew and the Marine helping him. But look closer, look at the other runners. The couple in front of Andrew - is clapping. There is a runner behind Andrew in a pink shirt and another in a green and white shirt, and they are cheering Andrew on as well! (Sorry the picture was shrunk to fit my blog spot and these runners may not visible. I'll send you the picture through another vehicle if you wish. Just let me know.)

These are not bystanders, spectators like Bill & I. They are people in the race with Andrew. Feeling the pain, knowing the hill, up-close-and-personal.

Much like the "cloud of witnesses" we read about in the book of Hebrews. Those witnesses knew, up-close-and-personal, the struggles of being a Christian in a society of persecution. They faced hills, even mountains of adversity and trials. These witnesses were not merely cheering spectators!

I pray that today, we find opportunities to share how we completed a race of our own with God's help. Let's be transparent with our lives. Share our struggles, tell how God put His hands on our shoulders and helped us up those hills and through those dark valleys.

Let us be among that 'cloud of witnesses". We may just be the "push" someone needs to reach the top of their hill and finish their race.

Blessings, Carole

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love that story! Way to go, Andrew! And what a great sprirtual reminder! Thanks for sharing! God is amazing,isn't He?
