Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Size of snow storm? Irrelevant!

Our Florida grandchildren brought their parents to NJ for an early Christmas this year. Before arriving the girls, Ashley and Emily, had asked for and hoped for snow. They think once it's cold in NJ, snow is a given.

We had a lovely day with food, all our kids & grands and presents. What did we do for entertainment before children? They certainly kept us smiling. They are better than any game (video or otherwise), sports event or movie on TV. We just love them and their antics.

About the time we were done with the usual holiday activities, Bill took a look outside to discover it was snowing. Well, to be honest it was really just dusting or flurrying. Certainly not what we North-Easterns would call a snow storm. But to our girls, including Mackenzie from Philly, it was a bonafide, get-bundled-up, hurry-before-it-stops event. And that's just what they did. Their dad, Jeff, even changed out of his shorts into jeans to join them. Me? Oh I stayed inside with the camera, thank you very much.

Oh the joy! They ran, they gathered, they stuck out their tongues for a sampling. And then they did what a NJ kid might not think possible. They built a snowman. Uh, a snow mini-guy? We really don't know what to call it. They used our snowman kit, complete with wooden carrot-shaped nose and black pipe. Even a big red heart.

The inscription on the box that holds the snow man pieces says: "To build a snowman with somone you love, will surely warm your heart."

It sure warmed ours to see the girls enjoying themselves so much. Maybe the best Christmas present we gave this year. Thanks Accu-Weather for the surprise and God for the supply.

We are looking forward to Christmas 2008 II on Dec 25th with just our local kids. I'll have to get my boots ready and fill in for Ashley & Emily and give Mackenzie a hand should snow fall again.

Uh, maybe we'll do play-doh snowmen. They're always fun, right? Oh I am getting sooooo old.

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