Monday, October 1, 2012


I am so excited and quite intimidated. On the Way to Cape May (Bill & I) will be heading to the Collingswood Book Festival this weekend. BOOK FESTIVAL!!! Books and only books.  Until now we have only particpated in festivals and fairs with every kind of craft and food item and service you could imagine.

SO,  how do I feel about this? I AM NERVOUS. There will be so many books competing for the attention of hundreds if not thousands of shoppers. I feel like a little fish in a really big pond.

Breath, Carole, breath! 

My book has already achieved my goals. A legacy for my granchildren. Tangible proof that you can obtain your dreams and goals. Even after you have reached the sixth decade of your life.  Or is this the seventh? ANYWAY!!!!

I've given you the link, come out and see us. It will definately help to see a few familiar faces.

Here's a link to the weather forcast for Saturday in Collingswood. Event will be held in the Collingswood High School if the weather is inclement.

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